Rhodamine is a fluorescent tracer dye used to monitor the flow and movement of water. The most common application for a rhodamine dye test is a time of travel study, during which the time it takes for the dye to move from point A in a river to point B, is recorded.
The sensor is fixed response fluorometer, meaning it excites the dye in the water at a fixed wavelength (255nm). It then measures the subsequent emitted fluorescence (>575nm).
Our Rhodamine sensors can be installed into many of our probes, below are some examples.
To see all of the probes that feature RHOD please visit the Products section.
Installing the rhodamine sensor into an Aquaprobe is a very simple process. Simply unscrew the blanking plug from an appropriate aux socket, apply some silicon grease to the thread of the sensor (grease provided) and screw in the sensor. After installation full calibration is required.
Part of our ethos at Aquaread is “ease of use”, so we have simplified and automated the calibration process as much as possible. The rhodamine sensor is calibrated at 2 points. A zero point and a 100µg/l rhodamine dye point. A stock solution of rhodamine dye is provided, and a small dilution of the stock is required to make the required concentration.
Once your solution is made the calibration involves placing the probe into the solution and selecting the correct calibration option from the menu. A calibration report is saved when complete.