Here at Aquaread we are proud to manufacture a wide range of scientific-quality water testing equipment, designed to work in all types of water and in even the harshest of conditions. However, we understand that to enable this equipment to perform water analysis tasks it needs high-level water testing software to complement it. If you’re undertaking water analysis using some of our Aquaread water testing equipment, including LevelLine, AquaLoggers and Aquameters, then download your required water testing software from the selection below. Click on the links for more information and to find the software necessary for your needs, and then download the relevant PC application. If you have any trouble finding the water testing software you need for your water testing equipment then get in touch and we’ll be happy to assist you.
The dashboard offers a wealth of information, all related to your Aquasonde. Here you will see information such as serial number, software version and estimated battery life. It is also where you set the sonde’s logging regime, event triggers and customisable data averaging. Each headed section is customisable by clicking on the cog icon to enter into its option settings.
The new calibration section displays all currently fitted sensors as icons at the top of the screen. Clicking on one of the icons will bring up that sensors previous calibration report values and show the options for calibration.
When you enter the calibration it will display the live reading for that parameter, along with temperature. Below this information is a live graph that displays the trend of the sensor in the calibration solution. This can be used to assess the stability of the readings prior to beginning the calibration, helping you to achieve a better calibration.
This is a completely new addition to our PC applications, the ability to log data with live data graphs displayed on screen. Switch on and off different parameters to custoimise the view so that you can focus on the behaviour of your chosen parameters.
Currently PROLINK works with our Aquasondes including the new AS-PRO. However, specific sections for both Aquaprobe and Leveline will be added as work on them is completed.
PROLINK will download and instal any updates each time the software is opened, so you know you are always running the most up to date version available, no need to check for updates.
Available to Download Now: PROLINK is available to download now from our software downloads page.
AquaCal – Aquaprobe Live Data & Calibration Utility with Report Generation
AquaLink – PC software for Aquameter data retrieval and file storage
The AquaLink windows PC software comes free with every GPS Aquameter and it allows you to manage the data captured on your Aquameter in numerous ways.
AquaLink Features
AquaTelemetry Utility – Set up the AquaTelemetry device on your PC
Use the AquaTelemetry Windows PC Utility to set up your AquaTelemetry device using a PC.
The AquaTelemetry Utility allows you to set up your AquaTelemetry system before you deploy it in the field. With the AquaTelemetry device connected to your PC via USB, the settings below can be configured.
In addition the software allows you to download logged data currently saved on the device if network connection has failed.
LeveLink – PC software for LeveLine setup & data retrieval
The LeveLink windows PC software comes with every LeveLine PC-KIT. The software enables you to set up your logging schedule, manage barometric and water level data separately, and handle various data compensation options. Data can be exported into Excel for detailed graph manipulation and it can be exported as a Google file for use in Google Earth if GPS data is available.
LeveLink Setup Page
In the easy to use set up page you can give the LeveLine identity and location information, set up logging start dates and durations (where QuickDeplopy Key or LeveLine GPS meter are not used), set up event logging triggers and levels and also set the loggers date and time and units.
LeveLine-Baro Data Page
View captured barometric data on this page from a LeveLine-Baro or from saved data on your hard drive. Pressure and temperature data are displayed on a manipulatable graph and can be exported as a Google Earth file when GPS data is available or as an Excel file. GPS data can be manually entered or automatically captured when using the GPS LeveLine Meter.
LeveLine Level Data Page
View captured LeveLine data on this page. Captured pressure and temperature levels are displayed on the graph. You can zoom in on the graph by dragging a box over the area of interest for higher resolution on large datasets. Data can be exported as a Google Earth file when GPS data is available or as an Excel file. GPS data can be manually entered or automatically captured when using the GPS LeveLine Meter.
Corrected Data Page
This page allows you to perform various compensations on your data. For example, when you have collected both barometric and water pressure data using one of our absolute LeveLine loggers, it allows you to combine the data and output as level rather than as a pressure. You can also compensate against logged zero points when using the QuickDeploy Key or the GPS LeveLine Meter.
LoggerLink – PC software for AquaLogger setup and data retrieval
The LoggerLink windows PC software comes free with every AquaLogger, it allows you to set up logger behaviour and manage captured data in numerous ways.
LoggerLink PC Application
This simple application allows you to download captured data from your AquaLogger. Data can be viewed on screen, exported as an Excel file for graph generation, exported as a text report summarising the data or saved to your hard drive for use later on. You will also find the button for logger set up.
AquaLogger SetUp Button
Pressing the logger setup button opens a second window. Inside this window are various set up options. On the left of the window are the logger’s current settings, on the right is where you can enter your desired settings. Setting options include logging frequency, event trigger setting, the type of EC correction required and also date and time settings.
AquaLogger Text Report
The text report features a summary of all recorded data before listing every data set captured. It is ideal for reporting data that is required for filing.
OxiLink – PC software for AquaPlus meter data retrieval
The OxiLink windows PC software comes free with every GPS DO meter and it allows you to manage the data captured on your DO meter in numerous ways.
SondeLink – PC Software for Sonde data retrieval and logging setup
The SondeLink Windows PC software comes free with every AquaSonde and it allows you to manage the data captured on your AquaSonde, set up logging intervals and calibrate your sensors.