The next few months are going to be pretty exciting here at Aquaread!
We’re currently working on our new website and branding that will be launched soon. Watch this space! The new site is more focused on you, our users, and we’ve gone for a contemporary new logo and branding. We hope you like it.
As you might have guessed from the picture, we’re moving! On 1st September, we’re relocating to new offices to accommodate our growing business. Please take a note of our new address:
Aquaread Limited
Bridge House
Northdown Industrial Estate
CT10 3JP
In December, we’re heading to the Flood Defence and Prevention Expo at London’s ExCel. The expo is taking place on 4th and 5th December and is an opportunity for us to present our early warning systems to the foremost flood prevent companies in the UK. We also hope to engage with other water and environment professionals to discuss flood water testing, water testing parameters and flood water monitoring as this is an area that we are expanding into. If you’re attending the Flood Defence and Prevention Expo, come and find us. We’d love to say ‘hello’!